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Prices do not include shipping (unless otherwise specified). Turnaround time does not include the time required for shipping, please take this into consideration when placing your order. SingleInk is not responsible for any loss, damage or shipping delays caused by a delivery carrier.




Orders are subject to overruns and/or under runs due to the nature of the printing process. Depending on the quanitity/complexity of your order, we might order extra garments to ensure quality on our end. If we have over runs you will receive a few extra shirts free of charge. In some cases an under run in a certain size will occur and the over run in other sizes will cover that amount (i.e.: you order 25 smalls and 25 mediums, you may receive 24 smalls and 26 mediums). It there are misprints of any kind we will adjust your bill. If your bill is finalized, then the credit will be held and used on your next order.




  • Claims for damages, defects or shortages must be submitted in writing within 5 working days after the delivery of the product.


  •  In the event of an order misprint, ALL of the original order must be returned.


  • Single Ink liability shall be limited to the stated sales price of any defective goods. We will not be liable for any consequential damages such as profit loss etc.


  • Because Screen printing is custom made merchandise, cancellation of an order will result in charges for any set up or pre press costs incurred before cancellation and all restocking fees incurred by our distributors.  Depending on which distributor we use to obtain the garments for your order, if they do not accept returns this could result in a complete loss of your deposit.

Singleink screen printing terre haute indiana custom shirts
SingleInk 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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